Category Archives: Letters to Ed

letter to ed: you’re five months old

*one month late*

Dear Ed,

It has been five wonderful months! You continue to grow like crazy and I’m totally not okay with it!! Before we could fully enjoy your new developmental milestone, you are off to the next stage. Everything is going at warp speed. Can you please slow down? Take it easy, boy!

You first rolled over from back to front at three and a half months and from then onward, you were like speedy gonzales; you rolled from front to back, going round in circles on your tummy and creeping forward bit by bit.

You started to crawl at four and a half months. You army crawl by pushing yourself forward using your elbow or sometimes you will kick to launch yourself forward and ended up planting your face on the play mat. Haha.

We all thought you will take some time to revel in your new found skill and we all could take a breather (it’s exhausting catching up with you!). But no, you continued to flaunt your ability! The day before you turned five months, you surprised us by sitting up on your own!!! I’m a little heartbroken how quickly the weeks change you and it doesn’t help that I can’t be with you 24/7 to watch you grow!

Taking your photos these days is not easy as it used to and getting you changed is a challenge on its own! You are like a little worm, you just can’t stop wriggling!

We can see you adore your big sister. You look at her dearly when she sings or when she plays with you; she loves playing peek-a-boo and you get so excited every time.  But now that you are more alert and mobile, you start grabbing her toys much to her annoyance! Ahh…the beginning of sibling squabbles!

You love looking out the windows. You are probably attracted to the moving cars (but I don’t think you can see that far) or maybe the light that is coming through the windows. The fastest way to stop your fussing is to carry you to the window. You will be quiet almost instantaneously! I can already imagine you sitting by the window watching the trucks pass by when you are a little older. Boys will forever be boys!

You love car rides. You sit in the car seat quietly, look out the window and just take in the sights. You are most chill whenever you are in the car seat. I’ve said it before and I’m going to say it again – you are such an easy baby! I hope I don’t jinx it!

Ever since you started teething, your sleeping patterns has gone out of whacks. You’ve stopped sleeping through the night. Most nights, you will wake up twice for feed. But on some nights, I don’t even bother to keep track! Some times you refused to go back to sleep after milk. Okay, okay! It’s not you, it’s me! It’s me who didn’t want you to go back to sleep cause that’s the only time you can have my undivided attention! The exhaustion is real but every second is worth it! With that said, can you go back to sleeping through the night again?

So, one more month to half a year old and it’s already freaking me out. While it’s hard to see you grow so fast, it’s also fun to see you change.


We love you to the moon and back!








letter to ed

Dear Ed,

I was over the moon the moment the pregnancy kit showed two lines. You have no idea how much I longed for you. And now that you are here, our little family is complete. Thank you for coming into our lives! And thank you for reminding me of what its like to be a mother to a new born again.


one week old

You gave us a scare after you were born. The nurse noticed that you had irregular breathing and you had to be admitted to special care nursery for monitoring. Our hearts sank when we were told about this although we were told it is nothing serious. At that moment, I knew nothing matters but your health and well-being. They ran some test, did an x-ray and everything seemed okay. Your breathing went back to normal after a while. Thank you God for keeping you safe!


one month old

Three and a half months since you came into our lives and it has been nothing short of amazing. I kept telling everyone what an easy baby you are; I hope I don’t jinx it! All you do is eat and sleep. Wait! Aren’t these what all babies do? Haha. But really, you are such an easy baby.

The most amazing thing about you is, you sleep trained yourself when you were about two months plus. You see, with your sister, I had to carry her or nurse her to sleep. So I was mentally prepared for that. But with you, all I have to do is to leave you in the cot. You will talk, grunt, complain and eventually fall asleep! The first time you did it, I thought it was a fluke. And you did it again, again and again. Keep it up!


two months old

Oh, you chatty little fella! Your goos and gaas are the cutest. You are always babbling away and always try to strike a conversation with us. I can talk to you all day…well, except when you are nursing or in the middle of the night!

You have grown so much since your newborn days. So many people have mistaken you as a six month old. I was looking at your photos the other day and I do miss your lightweight newborn days. Well, not exactly lightweight considering you were almost 4 kilos! Haha. You were able to fit nicely into my arms then but now, it’s a struggle.


three months old

You excel in tummy time! You never complain when we put you on your tummy and at two months old, you were able to lift your head up!! Now at three and a half months, you are rolling from back to front. And you do it so effortlessly!! Do you know most babies only roll over from 5 months onward? Sigh. Go slow, little Ed!

That being said, it is such a blessing to be able to watch you hit all the milestones, albeit a bit too fast for my liking. Now, please slow down. Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up! Let us enjoy your babyhood a little bit more!!
