travels: amatara phuket

We went to Bali when Elisa was one year old and we didn’t like (i think we need to give it another try!). The next year, we went to Phuket and ever since then, it has became our yearly vacation spot. Short flight, stunning beaches, gorgeous hotels and amazing food. I mean who doesn’t like Thai food?

After being stuck in the peak hour traffic, we were welcomed with this view when we stepped out of the car. Holiday mode on!IMG_2143

And our stay was off to a great start when the hotel generously upgraded us to a pavilion! Look at the silly girl!IMG_2150

Every morning, after Elisa is done with breakfast, we sent her to the kids club – a brilliant idea from the hubs. The minders engaged her with arts and crafts while we enjoyed our breakfast. Win-win!
We spent the next couple of days lazing by the pool and basked in the sun. Most of the time, we had the whole pool to ourselves! That’s the upside of a wellness resort – everyone is at The Retreat doing their thang, you hardly see them around the resort! Speaking of which, my MIL is there doing her thang now 😛IMG_2405IMG_2403IMG_2734

The best gift she received from the hotel was the blue bracelet she’s wearing which entitles her to free ice cream throughout the resort. She will never forget to put it on every morning! IMG_2563Life is good when you can have ice cream wherever and whenever you want.

When it was time to leave, Elisa was all teary eyed. We can totally relate because it was so difficult to leave this gorgeous place! But, papa told her that we will be back someday and I’m sure we will!IMG_2752



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